Spiritual Direction and Life Coaching

Spiritual Direction and Life Coaching – What’s it all about?
Spiritual Direction
Helping discern God’s voice and movement in your life, with the desire for deeper connection and support for your soul. Typically directees are yearning for a deeper awareness and affective connection with God, or one’s Higher Power.
Spiritual Direction/Mentoring involves deep listening with the directee, with openness to together sensing and interpreting the “divine milieu”, utilizing talk and reflective listening, prayer, dream work, films, stories, and journaling.
“Goal setting” and “fixing” are not terms used in this type of soul support.
Life Coaching
Helping cultivate and determine a vision and goals for one’s life as lived in the physical realm - natural world - physical, mental, social, financial, etc., that are consistent with one’s highest ideals and desires
Helping find and remove the barriers or “roadblocks” to accomplishing these goals and the definite major purpose for one’s life, and
Communicating this and responding through every part of one’s being, life, thoughts, and actions/practices, so that one may dream, discover, plan, work, and achieve in full accordance with those values and goals.
M.Ed., in Counseling & Personnel Services from the University of Missouri-Columbia; M.B.A. in Management & Leadership from Rockhurst University; Board Certified as a Spiritual Care Practitioner with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation; certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Souljourners Program; Certified Grief Recovery Specialist with the Grief Recovery Institute; Certificate in Mediation from the Center for Conflict Resolution; Board Certified Life Coach; member, Spiritual Directors International; Certified Clinical Member of the National Institute of Business & Industrial Chaplains.
Fees: $50-$80/session. A sliding scale is available, with discounts for veterans, students, those widowed, and single parents. WorkLife Soulutions offers a free, complimentary 15-minute phone interview prior to sessions if desired. Fees can be paid by cash or check.
Location for sessions: We provide support over the phone, online, and in the South Kansas City, MO/Leawood, KS area, with the opportunity for sessions to be arranged at a local coffee shop.
WorkLife Soulutions does not work with insurance companies and so does not accept insurance. The reasoning is this: since those who are seeking spiritual support for their soul, those desiring to go from “OK” to “Better”, or those who are grieving the death of a loved one (or another significant loss) are not sick, they therefore do not need to be diagnosed or given a label.
Issues addressed may include spiritual questioning; discernment for callings, vocations, and ministry; sub-clinical anxiety, depression, and acute/post-traumatic stress; career issues; death of a loved one; life transitions; marital and pre- and post-marital relationships; a need to grow from grief and to reinvest in your life as it is now; or an overall desire to get your life back “on track” and to live a richer, more fulfilled life, more consistent with your core values.
The goal of WorkLife Soulutions is to provide these professional forms of soul support and life coaching in a sensitive, compassionate, and confidential* manner that is also cost effective with reasonable rates. *confidentiality may not be held in matters involving threats or harm to yourself or others
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Helping styles utilized include therapeutic alliance, empathetic and reflective listening, with strategies from the Mindfulness-Based Behavioral Therapies (ACT & M-CBT), Conitive Behavioral Coaching, the Grief Recovery Method, Positive Psychology, cinematherapy, dreamwork, and with guidance on journaling and planning a pilgrimage. All support provided is offered in a culturally sensitive position and manner.
A note on counseling referrals – clinically-trained guidance is offered with suggestions on what forms of therapy one might investigate and pursue. WorkLife Soulutions does not, however, diagnose or label. When mental, emotional, or behavioral conditions are mutually determined to possibly be of a more serious nature – as in developmental, medical, neuroanatomical, or biochemical disturbances which are included in the DSM-5 manual of mental health disorders, better treated through a physician or a licensed mental health professional – a list of providers will be made available for appropriate follow up.
Where does the name "WorkLife Soulutions" come from?
Life and Soul are at the heart of WorkLife Soulutions, LLC...
Work - a job to meet financial and family obligations, a task to complete, a career to build and grow, perhaps a “calling”, or even the concept of opus as the major work or creation of one’s life.
Life - our totality of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational being.
Soul - the essence of who we are, deeply and spiritually
Soulutions - answers, resolutions, transformations, and the potential for redemption of our issues, problems, needs, desires, or quests.